Search Engine Optimisation
Case Study

Website Usability

Is your website performing to its maximum potential? Are your customers clicking away as fast as they’re arriving – or is the challenge simply that not enough people are visiting your website?

Rather than taking a ‘scrap it and start again’ approach, why not ask us to conduct a website usability analysis to discover just what it is that’s holding your business back?

Website usability is all about the user experience that your visitors have while on your website. How simple is it for them to find everything? How quickly can they get to where they want to be? And how easily can they understand what your business does? Website usability determines how effective a medium your website is – that is, how well it informs, directs and sells to your online audience.

The website usability process
We analyse website usability by:

01 Understanding your business
Our first task is to appreciate fully what you do, why people buy from you, who your online and offline audiences are, what message you’re looking to convey and where you feel your website might be letting you down currently.


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02 Analysing your competition
We can learn important lessons from the successes of your peer competitors.

03 Analysing your website
We look at every page on your site to see how it communicates with your potential customers. Sometimes, it's the little tweaks that can make a big difference.

04 Reporting on our findings
Once we’ve completed our website usability analysis, we’ll present our findings to you in a simple-to-understand document, from which you’ll be able to glean the next step to improving your website.

How user-friendly is your website?
How easily your visitors find you, what they make of you when they do and whether they’re then converted to paying customers needs to be planned and coordinated to be effective. Once we’ve analysed the strengths and weaknesses of your website, we’ll be able to help you to create a full project plan for changes wherever necessary.

Scribbles’ website usability analysis gives you the overview that you’ll need to boost your website’s performance. Call us on 01707 660 377 or email us with your brief, and we’ll answer any questions that you may have.

Website Usability

Kicca Cakes


Project elements:

  • Website copywriting
  • SEO copywriting